Misdirection and Lack of Transparency is Not Just Used By Magicians

by | Jan 1, 2024 | Lincoln's Thoughts | 0 comments

   The product labels now days are very misleading and downright lies. A product with a “Made in America’ label, for instance , could be made in Canada or Mexico since it is all North America. Products could also be made in Guam or Puerto Rico being territories of the USA.

   In 1995 The World Trade Organization (WTO) was founded. The WTO made it easier for Countries to trade products and with a whole lot less laws and regulations. (China benefited immensly from this new WTO taking over.) This had America buying cheaper products from other countries and even moving their entire operations overseas. When China joined the WTO in 2001, American manufacturing jobs and American Made Products plummeted, While imports from China increased dramatically. From 2001-2004, Chinese imports to the United States quadrupled. Once Made in America cars were having parts, even entire motors imported from China, Mexico, Germany and other places.

   If a label says “distributed by” or “assembled by” on it, the product most certainly was not made in the USA. Pictures of American flags, the American eagle, even the statue of liberty are used to mislead consumers. One way companies get around this is to order is to order all the ingredients from a country like China and then put it together here. Animal treats and food fall into this category. As we have sadly found out, the animal treats from China have killed many of our pets, Do Not, and I mean whole-heartedly EVER give your pets treats from China. Too many dogs have had to go through incredible pain and surgeries to remove chunks of rawhide bones and pieces of undigestible treats.

   China doesn’t have the laws and the moral integrity that most Americans have. China doesn’t even have to tell the truth on their labels. Pepper coming from China could have dirt added to it as a filler. Childrens play jewelry and toys were found to have the deadly chemical cadmium on them. Drinks were found to contain formaldehyde in them. Other countries won’t even accept certain foods because of the horrible ingredients in them. Take for example the boxed macaroni and cheese from Kraft. The US will gladly accept this Kraft product with all of the nasty chemicals so we get that version while certain other countries get a healthy version of the same product. When I was living overseas, mainly Hong Kong and Singapore, I was friends with an American business owner over there. He moved his business out of Hong Kong before China took over in 1997 because he knew they where lying when China claimed they would allow Hong Kong to remain independent. Well Dang if he wasn’t totally right! He told me that the Chinese believed that if you didn’t lie, steal, and cheat to get to the top, you were considered weak, and they laughed at you.

   One more example of misleading labels…Burt’s Bees company states the product is “Made in the USA with global ingredients.” The company orders the ingredients from other countries, and then mix them together here in America. This was found out about their dog shampoo so what else are they pulling on us?

   Some companies also go under the names with the titles of American, United States, USA in them even though they have nothing to do with any American companies, Quick Examples:

– USA Select Grills
– American Mills
– Americana Olives
– Great American Seafood
– United States Sweaters
– US Lock Company

   Another example of misleading labels, A tag that states “wild caught in Alaska” followed by “product of Thailand” is confusing. The fish may have been caught in Alaska but are then sent to Thailand for processing. The same goes for fruits and vegetables. Florida’s Natural Juice Company states their fruits were sourced from Brazil and Argentina, Oh Yes, I am sure those countries grow with all natural fertilizers and processing methods. If you don’t see the country of origin on the label, it is most likely from another country. Grammarical mistakes on labels or misspellings are also a Red Flag. Reading the bar code on a product is also a misleading rabbit hole to go down.

   Apeel, Edipeel, Organipeel,

– Trader Joes stores will not use.

   Apeel’s spray on product uses monoglyceride, diglyceride, ethyl acetate (acetone), acetoneitrile, toluene, hexane, and individual heavy metals including lead, paladium, and arsenic in the manufacturing process and they admitted they are in the finished product. The Apeel coating can not be washed off!

   The FDA knew about this and still gave Apeel “GRAS” (Generally Recognized As Safe) status anyway. Bill Gates (the guy that is buying up all our farmland and pushing his fake meat and and is making millions on the clot shot) is involved in the push for Apeel. Katy Perry, that bought Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar (organic) and changed the product to make it a cheaper product to make more money, also has a stake in Apeel. Oprah is also involved in Apeel and has been an advocate of Bill Gates, Not all stores put the Apeel label on their product.

   Reading produce labeling and codes (PLU Codes.) A code starting with a 3 or 4 means conventionally grown, which means probably with pesticides, A 5 digit code starting with a 9 means organically grown. A white and green sticker means the food has been irradiated for preservation, treated by radiation. The stickers may also have “Radura” on them. Bill Gates…You know the guy that is making multiple millions on the MRNA clot shot? He has now got them injecting our livestock with this stuff. Genetically altered plants are also showing up with this MRNA stuff. Too many people refused the clot shot so now they have found a way to get it into our bodies in other ways. Farmers sell a lot of their produce to Bill Gates and who knows what he does to the fruits and vegetables?

   How to tell if garlic bulbs came from China? The Department of Agriculture makes China remove all of the roots before entering the USA to prevent diseases being entered into the country so the garlic bulbs will have a hollowed out spot where the roots were. American farmers aren’t going to spend extra to remove the roots when there is no need, and remember, China just puts anything they want on labels, so don’t believe any of it.

   In summary, We can’t trust most labels, bar codes, company titles with “America” in them, products with American flags or other pictures on them such as the statue of liberty, or any grocery store signs. It is irritating as all get up because my life is busy enough as it is. But my passion for not liking anyone to be able to “get one over on me” drives my research. I know all of you lead busy lives also, so I figure I could share my research to maybe help others.

Credits go to:
“Made in America” – Kevin Wabiszewski
“Deep Roots at Home” – Jacqueline

Always Here To Inform,

– Lincoln



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