by | Mar 1, 2024 | Dad's Travels | 0 comments

   You know it does not seem like 50 years has passed since I picked up that brand new Harley- Davidson Super glide in February 1974. Ivey’s Harley-Davidson in Grand Prairie was the dealer.

   Anyway, this year is special, 50 years running the highways and byways. And still here to talk about it!

   At this writing we are gearing up for Daytona Bike Week in Daytona Beach, Florida.

   The plan is for “Jetson” from Denver and “Speechless” from Medina to roll out Sunday the 3rd of March. We expect to run I-10 to Pensacola and cut down through Mexico Beach and Panama City.

   Spend a few days in Daytona then work our way down to Key West. We shall see how it works out?

   I always write about long trips, but there is some great day trips in the Texas hill country.

   For example, Run west out of Harper on Hwy 290 and catch Hwy 385 and travel north. Running by mesquite and cedar trees and wide open spaces. Crossing the James River about 20 miles out. Connect Hwy 377 just south of London. Just north of London intersect Hwy 1221. This road takes you to Hext, where you turn right on Hwy 29 for about a mile then north on Hwy 1311. This will take you to Hwy 190 and take a right on Hwy 29 to Brady. I hit lunch at a place called Bondocks. Good food, specialty is seafood, but other items are available. People are friendly and service is good and about $20 price is right. There is an interesting shop down on the courthouse square, sells antique medic equipment other antiques, gas signs, soda signs, etc. Good way to walk off that lunch! From the courthouse travel down Hwy 87 to Mason. The courthouse was burned down a couple years ago. Its in the process of being rebuilt. I passed by yesterday, almost completed.

   Back in the day Robert E Lee was stationed here. There’s a museum on the north side of the square that is a great stop. Get the ‘low down’ on the history of the town and surrounding area. Well worth the visit, Also the largest topaz ever found is displayed here.

   I catch Hwy 29 here and run east about 20 miles and jog over to Castell right on the Llano River. Castell General Store resides here. Good place to satisfy that dry mouth. German Soda Pop, if you please! The owners Mark and Randy will fill you in on the local happenings. Nice relaxing place. Usually events are happening on most weekends.

   Continue on Hwy 152 eastward to Llano. Yet another courthouse! Mostly made of granite. Great structures, Most of them constructed in the 1880’s.

   Next stop right across the street from the courthouse. The Mercantile Bar, Full bar with music venue outback. Welcoming bartender, Courtney, Always a good stop. Thirsty or not, friendly people! Texas style! Although, Courtney is from Montana! O’well all good.

   Down the road we go, Hwy 16 south to Fredericksburg. The Pecan Grove Store just north of town. Great burgers, good food in general. The owners, Rick, Becky and Matt, top of the line people! Marie, very welcoming and friendly barkeep! Always a good stop, catch up with old friends and meet new ones.

   From here down to Hwy 290 and head west towards home. 20 miles back to Harper, my stomping ground. The last stop of the trip is at Headwaters Saloon. Great stop, where lot of the locals hang-out. Usually food on Sunday if a football game is playing.

   So the day trip begins around 10.30 and ends around 5. About a 200 mile day, easy to do with a lot of good stops, where people appreciate your stop.

   Another good day trip is catch Hwy 479 just 4 miles west of Harper. Travel this road north up over the “Little Devils River” Scenic road with very little traffic, got to watch for deer! The road runs north then bends westward. At Segovia turn north by the cedar mill and loop around to Junction. At the bridge turn right thru downtown, crossing the Llano River. At the edge of town, great lunch stop, Lum’s BBQ, Great brisket and sides.

   After a full belly time to shake it off! Hwy 377 south is the ticket. Amazing travel south. Crossing the Llano River several times, down thru Telegraph, up and down road. Continue down to Rock Springs where the terrain levels out for a little bit. Then it’s down hill with some giant sweeping curves. Some of the best hills in the area. Down thru Bardsdale, there was a hotdog place here for awhile. Since closed, very seasonal area! On to Campwood, Usually good time for gas, station on the corner is good. Here we catch Hwy 337 part of the famous Twisted Sisters roads. This road is great with elevated road overlooking the valleys. Just west of Leakey is the Bent Rim Stop. They sell food, drink, clothing, and motorcycle gear. Big roll up doors for ventilation and the feeling of openness. Fresh ground beef with japeno bun, hard to beat.

   In Leakey connect with Hwy 83 north to Garvin Store about 25 miles. Turn back east at Garvin Store to Mountain Home. Continue on Hwy 41 thru the stop sign at Johnson Creek to the intersection of I-10. East to the 479 exit, almost home.

   Again, this is about a 200 mile day trip, with some great scenery and good stops.

   Now to get packed up for Daytona.

   More on the 50 year road trip in the next article, hopefully everything will run smoothly on this next trip.

   Quick update on the wrist, Healed up great, swelling is almost gone, can pull in the clutch with no problem, all good.

   Like I always say live life to the hilt never know when it’s your last trip!





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