I was in Winslow, Arizona last year on the Route 66 trip. “The Standing on the Corner Music Festival” was happening the following weekend, I missed it! The plan was to make it the following year. That time is here.
I rally the troops, “Easy G” and “Roadrunner”, they are in. Contact “Jetson” in Denver, why not!

We plan on the afternoon of September the 19th, meet in Roosevelt. Ride to “Easy G’s” deer camp west of Ozona. We catch some food in Ozona before heading to camp. As usual we get caught in the dark. Dodge deer all the way to the camp. Arrive no problem, relax for a bit and hit the sack. A long day awaits tomorrow.
Roll out at first light. Catch hwy 1137 to Big Lake. Aquick stop for a taco in Big Lake. Run through Garden City up to Big Spring. Continue north through Lamesa, Lubbock. Stop in Amarillo at Smokey Joe’s, just west of down town on Route 66. Great burgers and cold brew!

We take the short cut towards Dalhart. You know shortcuts, never what they seem. Construction hold up, hurry up and wait! Finally traffic moves, we continue up hwy 1061. Very little traffic, thats good. Intersect hwy 87 at Hartley and continue on through Dalhart.
At Raton Pass, gas stop. Called Bryan in Colorado City, Colorado, our stop for the evening.

Arrange to meet at the High Octane Bar and Grill in town. Perfect timing, we arrive at the same time. After food and drink we head west to Bryan’s cabin 20 miles west. Nighfall has caught us again! Deer everywhere, beware. Make it to the turnoff, winding, twisting road, dirt, gravel and deep ruts. Uphill, quite the challenge! Arrive safely!
After a good nights rest, time to go to Bishop’s Castle, up the road about 2 miles. One man pretty much built this castle. He used truck with pulleys to hoist materials. Quite the feat.

Bryan played tour guide, took us to Cañon City and Royal Gorge. Last time that I visited the Gorge, you could drive across the bridge. Not anymore, $35 bucks just to walk on it! We continue west to Salida to connect with Ronnie, long time friend. We arrive at Ronnie’s and Charlotte’s in midafternoon. Visit for a bit and Bryan rolls back to his house before dark.
We go grab some Mexican food and settle in for the evening.

Next morning we head north to Buena Vista, take a left to Cottonwood Pass. My first trip up this road. Just recently paved on the west side of the mountain. Beautiful lake at the bottom of the mountain. We continue south to Gunnison. Turn west on hwy 50 to Blue Mesa. At the dam we turn northwest towards Hotchkiss. The Black Canyon is to our immediate left. Incredible views with the aspen trees turning colors. Continue on this road through Hotchkiss to Delta. At Delta we turn north to Grand Junction. Our goal is to reach the Colorado National Monument Park before dark. Turns out it closes at 5 pm. So much for that, we secure a room and get dinner and get ready for tomorrow.
Up early we travel west to the park, we catch the south entrance, about a 20 mile stretch of road. Incredible views and turn outs along the edge of a cliff. One for your bucket list for sure.

We leave the park and head back on the interstate through Grand Junction towards the Grand Mesa. We catch hwy 65 through Mesa and Grand Mesa, hard to put into words, the beauty on this road. We ride on down to Cedaredge, gas up and continue south back to Hotchkiss. Turn north to Carbondale, then back east through Aspen and Independence Pass. Back to Salida before dark.

Next day “Easy G’ and “Roadrunner” leave for Texas. Ronnie and myself go fishing in Leadville.
Land 4 keepers, not bad! We travel back to Salida to await “Jetson’s” arrival. We arrives right after dark.
Next morning we embark on the rest of the “Take It Easy Tour” breakfast in town then run south and hit hwy 114 through the mountains, my first time on this road. Nice, not much traffic. We catch hwy 50 just east of Gunnison. Run west to Blue Mesa. Catch hwy 149 to Lake City and Creede down to South Fork. turn west to Wolf Creek Pass. Last time over this pass was 1982, snow on the road that year, kinda sketchy. Make our way over the pass down to Pagosa Springs. Catch hwy 160 to Durango. Make a quick stop at the Durango Harley to change my batteries in my fob. All good now, room time. Get a room on the north side of town, walking distance to some Texas BBQ. Full gut time for bed.

Next morning over the mountain to Silverton and Ouray. Stop in Ouray at the 3-storey bar and grill. Good burger was had. The view from the third floor is great. Continue north to Ridgeway, make a left to Telluride. Hang out in Telluride for a bit, big corvette show going on, cars from all over the country.
Hit hwy 145 to Rico, quick beer stop and on to Dolores. Check into local motel. “Jetson” says lets run up the road a get some mexican food! Why not! Unpack our gear and run up the road. Grab some food and head back to the motel. I am in the lead, turn in to motel, I think its a rollover curb. Guess what its not, I hit the curb and it throws me to the left on pavement. Hit on my wrist, not good. “Jetson” arrives and helps pick up the bike. No damage to the bike, just me. Feels like a sprain. “Jetson” gets ice for the wrist. Keep ice on most of the night. Next day more of the same. Thinking the swelling would go down. No luck. No way I can pull in the clutch.

Plan B, we have reservations in Winslow at a motel. “Jetson” drives to Durango to rent a car. Got to make the best of the situation. Leave my bike at the motel and travel to Winslow. After all that was the reason for the trip.
We arrive and check into the motel. The music starts tomorrow, we check out downtown and prepare for tomorrow.
Next morning, breakfast then downtown. We meet Ron, he sculptured the Glenn Frey statue that stands on the corner just in front of the flatbed Ford. We spent most of the morning on the corner.
Music was to start around 3 in the afternoon. We were there, plenty of vendors, and music.
Next day, wrist not getting better! “Jetson” drives me to the hospital. After x-ray, yes its broken.

They wrap it with an ace bandage, get it looked at when you get home.
We catch the festival again on Saturday, leave around 3 pm to get back to Dolores and see how am I going to get back home!
We travel north to catch Monument Valley and Mexican Hat. We spend the night in Kayenta.
Next morning off to Mexican Hat are, just incredible. We passed by Forrest Gump Hill. This area was shot during the movie.

We make it back to Dolores, the bike is still there. Bryan is on his way with a trailer to haul me home. What a blessing! Load the bike and head back to Bryan’s cabin. “Jetson” heads back to Durango to drop the car and get his bike. We head back to Colorado City area to Bryan’s cabin, 300 hundred miles one way. Arrive back around dark.
Next day, Bryan starts winterizing the cabin. Planning on leaving early Tuesday morning.

Pull out early around 5;30 am. Homeward bound. Making only gas stops. Do encounter a detour below Lubbock, water over the road. About 20 miles detour! Back on track after the detour. Run on down through Big Spring and San Angelo. Smooth sailing, we reach my place just before dark. Unload the bike, safe back home! Been quite the trip, Not so “Take it Easy Tour” but we made the best of it.

Thanks again to Bryan and “Jetson” for all the help!

Quick update on the wrist, surgery to the wrist, installed a plate with screws. It will be a little while before I am riding again.

Anyway, like I always say live life to the hilt never know when it’s your last trip!