by | Oct 1, 2024 | Monthly Quiz | 0 comments

By: Lincoln


1. What is another name for Halloween?
2. What is another name for November 1st, the day after Halloween?
3. Who was the first, First Lady to decorate the White House for Halloween?
4. In 1962 “The Monster Mash” was first recorded, Who recorded it?
5. Who are the guests of the Halloween Party, according to the lyrics of “Monster Mash”?
6. Which story originated the Headless Horsemen?
7. Who wrote the horror book “Frankenstein”?
8. Michael Myers mask in Halloween was that of a famous actor, Which one?
9. What is the most popular Halloween candy in America?
10. Which famous person died on Halloween?
A. Audrey Hepburn
B. Harry Houdini
C. Aretha Franklin
D. Edgar Allen Poe



1. What is another name for Halloween?
A. All Hallow’s Eve
2. What is another name for November 1st, the day after Halloween?
A. All Saints’ Day
3. Who was the first, First Lady to decorate the White House for Halloween?
A. Mamie Eisenhower, in 1958
4. In 1962 “The Monster Mash” was first recorded, Who recorded it?
A. Bobby Pickett/Bandmate Leonard Capizzi w/ AllStar band, the Crypt-Kickers including pianist Leon Russell
5. Who are the guests of the Halloween Party, according to the lyrics of “Monster Mash”?
A. Wolfman, Dracula and his Son
6. Which story originated the Headless Horsemen?
A. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
7. Who wrote the horror book “Frankenstein”?
A. Mary Shelley
8. Michael Myers mask in Halloween was that of a famous actor, Which one?
A. William Shatner, the studio didn’t have much of a budget, so his mask was a Shatner mask from Star Trek painted white and distorted
9. What is the most popular Halloween candy in America?
A. Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups
10. Which famous person died on Halloween?
A. Audrey Hepburn
B. Harry Houdini
C. Aretha Franklin
D. Edgar Allen Poe
A. Harry Houdini, he collapsed immediately after final curtain at the Detroit, Garrick Theater on October 31st



11. What is Samhainophobia?
12. Whos’s said to haunt the White House Rose Garden?
13. What movie was the character “Oogie Boogie” in?
14. What was the firswt Hollywood movie to feature a werewolf?
15. Whats the mega-popular Halloween candy that was named after a horse?
16. What was the name of the scary character in the “Friday the 13th” film series?
17. Complete the following witch chant… “Double, Double, Toil and __________________________________
18. According to the well-known song, which family is said to be “Creepy, Kooky, Mysterious, and Spooky”?
19. The 1984 song, asked “Who You Gonna Call?” Who was it?
20. Who wrote “The tell tale heart”?




11. What is Samhainophobia?
A. An intense fear of Halloween
12. Whos’s said to haunt the White House Rose Garden?
A. The Ghost of First Lady Dolley Madison
13. What movie was the character “Oogie Boogie” in?
A. “The Nightmare before Christmas
14. What was the firswt Hollywood movie to feature a werewolf?
A. “Werewolf of London”, 1935
15. Whats the mega-popular Halloween candy that was named after a horse?
A. Snickers
16. What was the name of the scary character in the “Friday the 13th” film series?
A. Jason
17. Complete the following witch chant… “Double, Double, Toil and __________________________________
A. Trouble
18. According to the well-known song, which family is said to be “Creepy, Kooky, Mysterious, and Spooky”?
A. The Addams Family
19. The 1984 song, asked “Who You Gonna Call?” Who was it?
A. Ghostbusters
20. Who wrote “The tell tale heart”?
A. Edgar Allan Poe


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