Daytona Bike Week 2022

by | Jun 1, 2022 | Dad's Travels | 0 comments

   It’s kinda funny how a plan comes together!

   We are sitting at the Pecan Grove Burger Joint/ ice house. Rick says, let’s go to Daytona! We all chime in, let’s go! Perry and R.T. agree, we are all on board. Rick checks for room Availability. No luck. He keeps trying and finally succeeds. A room by the Beach, only a few blocks from Main Street.

   This all starts in December, 3 months plus before departure time. The time drags on, and finally March the 8th arrives. It’s cold Tuesday morning 37 degrees to be exact. We meet at a local restaurant, grab breakfast, and hit the highway. We pull out just before 8 am., taking the back road to Blanco to Canyon Lake. Avoiding most of the traffic on hwy. 46 We connect 46 at New Braunfels and run to Seguin. Hop on I-10 and blast east, Listen to Steppenwolf, “Born to Be Wild” The National Anthem for bikers.

   The weather hasn’t warmed up and now rain! Imagine that! I am always preaching about not leaving in the rain! Here we go again! We travel thru Houston and Beaumont only making gas stops. We make it to Lafayette, La. By this time we’ve had enough rain and cold for one day! A nice motel conveniently located next to the Harley Dealership. We check out the dealer and add a poker chip to my collection.

   Check into the motel. Food and drinks are on our minds. Oyster Bar is right down the street. Make it to the oyster bar, very few in the parking lot. Maybe not a good place? Turns out we are just a little early. Before long the place is packed. Order a couple of dozen oysters, we get warmed up, a few cold brews and all is good. We forget about that cold wet day!

   Next day was more of the same, departing around 8 am. Traveling down I-10, just tremendous traffic. Crossing “Henderson Swamp’, Got CCR playing “Born On The Bayou” next tune “Proud Mary”. Can’t beat CCR For those road tunes!

   Traveling in the rain really slows progress! It is what it is! First time traveling with this group on a long trip. So far so good! Continue on to Mobile, Alabama. Thru the tunnel. Can really rack your pipes here. Pensacola, Fla. Is in our sights. Rain continues, and my boots are soaked. Make it to Tallahassee. Enough for the second day, Holiday Inn Express is our home for the night. Again food and drink are on the menu!

   Local brewery right down the street. We try some “High Octane” brews and homemade pretzels. Super service and great food. Rick knows how to pick them! Tomorrow’s weather has to be better! At least we don’t leave in the rain. We travel to Lake City and catch I-75 towards Gainesville and Ocala. Just before Gainesville, the bottom falls out! Rain so hard couldn’t see the car in front. Perry pulls up beside me “ I can’t see”, and pull over. Next exit 5 miles. Pull into a gas stop, lightning, thunder. Wow pretty crazy! We try to dry out and let the rain pass.

   Rick says, looks like we can get past it in about 2 miles. Wrong! 3 miles down the road it gets heavier. Run to Ocala. Gas stop in Ocala. R.T. has an issue with the front exhaust pipe. Lost his nuts!

   Rick says, looks like we can get past it in about 2 miles. Wrong! 3 miles down the road it gets heavier. Run to Ocala. Gas stop in Ocala. R.T. has an issue with the front exhaust pipe. Lost his nuts!

   Make our way to our hotel room, La Quinta by the beach. Check-in and unload. Go to Ormond Beach, and meet up with the South Carolina Boys. Jimmy Blake, Dennis, and Chief. They arrive shortly. Been a year or so since we’ve seen them. As I’ve written in previous issues, known these guys for around 30 years.

   We order food, have a few brews, and plan the next couple of days after a good night’s rest, R.T. and Rick’s head to the racetrack. Me and Perry’s head to Daytona Beach Harley Dealership. It’s a large venue, with Lots of things to see, and plenty of food and beverage. After about 2 hours of shopping and looking, time for a move.

   Roll back to the racetrack to connect with Rick and R.T. They are located at the back of the track. We arrive just in time for the bagger races. Pretty incredible, baggers running 170 mph on the back side of the track. We watch for maybe 1 hr. or so. Time to ride!

   Proceed from the track south to Hwy 44, and turn right to Eagles Landing. Always make this stop! Locally owned, friendly folk.

   Next stop is Cabbage Patch, Perry and I ride up front. Rick and R.T. bring up the rear Perry and I make the Patch, No Rick or R.T.? Get a call, Rick has problems with the bike. Fuel problems. Has to leave the bike. Will pick it up later. Meanwhile, Perry and I survey the Cabbage Patch. Large venue, with lots of vendors.

   Rick has to catch a ride back to the racetrack to get the jeep and trailer. We make it back to the motel. Decide to leave the bikes in the room. Take the long walk to Main Street. Check Froggys, Dirty Harrys, and others. Finally, end up at Boot Hill. A great band was playing, plenty of Led Zeppelin, ZZ Top, and Ac/Dc.

   The time moved rapidly, before we knew it, it was 1:30, way past my bedtime! The walk home was quite the challenge! Thank God for Perry! My guardian angel for the evening. We arrive safely! The bed was a welcome sight.

   Next morning woke up to rain. Nice morning to sleep in. Rick and R.T. travel back and get Rick’s bike. Me and Perry, connect with the South Carolina boys. Back to Main Street we Go, Dirty Harry’s wet T-shirt contest. The winner, a 300 lb. bouncing gal, what a sight!

   We move up the street, Froggys, then the Boot Hill, another good band was playing more Zeppelin and good classic rock. Moving down the street to the Full Moon, an incredible band, Lots of Led Zeppelin. They finished the evening with “Whole Lot of Love”, a great rendition. Ride back to the room for much-needed rest.

   Sunday departure day. Rick left early to trailer back. R.T. has a problem, the clutch won’t work. Called Rick, He’s halfway across Fla. He makes a U-turn and comes back and loads up R.T.”s bike. That’s what friends do!

   By this time we are headed to Gainesville. Leadville Larrys Place is the stop for the evening. After some homemade soup, we settle in for the evening. The next morning, roll about 8:30, Rick and R.T. somewhere in Louisiana.

   The weather is a little cool, maybe 45 when we depart. By noon around 65 not bad. At least dry! Heading west, only stopping for gas and a quick burger.

   We shut down in Lafayette, Same motel as before, same room! Nice restaurant close by. Food was in order as well as drinks. We had to discuss, what a great trip! In spite of the rain and cold! Heavy rain during the night. At least we were in the dry. Next morning, good weather for the final stretch home. The only stops are gas stops, except for Mexican food just west of Houston.

   We make it back to Fredericksburg around 6 pm. After a stop in New Orleans, Rick and R.T. arrive around 7 pm.

   We logged 2700 miles, in less than a week. Always good to leave, but that home gate is always a welcome sight!

   Till the next one!

   “Ride Free and Ride Often”



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