by | Dec 1, 2023 | Monthly Quiz | 0 comments

By, Lincoln


1. The town where Jesus was born.
A. _________________________________________________
2. Acording to legend, Who first hung stockings by the fireplace for Christmas?
A. _________________________________________________
3. In what country is it traditional to dress up as Santa Claus and go for a swim on Christmas Day?
A. _________________________________________________
4. In what Christmas song do the lyrics “City sidewalks, Busy sidewalks, Dressed in holiday style” appear?
A. _________________________________________________
5. Which Christmas song contains the lyrics “Gone away is the bluebird, Here to stay is a new bird”?
A. _________________________________________________
6. What is the best selling Christmas song in the USA?
A. _________________________________________________
7. What is the name of the horse in the song “Jingle Bells”?
A. _________________________________________________
8. What famous Christmas song was originally intended to be a Thanksgiving song instead?
A. _________________________________________________
9. Which Christmas movie features the character John McClane fighting terrorists in a Los Angeles skyscraper on Christmas Eve?
A. _________________________________________________
10. What is the highest grossing Christmas movie of all time?
A. _________________________________________________
11. What is the name of the Red Ryder BB Gun Ralphie wants for Christmas in “A Christmas Story”?
A. _________________________________________________
12. What is the name of George Bailey’s guardian angel in “It’s a Wonderful Life”?
A. _________________________________________________
13. What is the name of the main character in “The Nightmare Before Christmas”?
A. _________________________________________________



1. The town where Jesus was born.
A. Bethlehem
2. Acording to legend, Who first hung stockings by the fireplace for Christmas?
A. St. Nicholas
3. In what country is it traditional to dress up as Santa Claus and go for a swim on Christmas Day?
A. Australia
4. In what Christmas song do the lyrics “City sidewalks, Busy sidewalks, Dressed in holiday style” appear?
A. Silver Bells
5. Which Christmas song contains the lyrics “Gone away is the bluebird, Here to stay is a new bird”?
A. “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree”
6. What is the best selling Christmas song in the USA?
A. “White Christmas” by Bing Crosby
7. What is the name of the horse in the song “Jingle Bells”?
A. Bobtail
8. What famous Christmas song was originally intended to be a Thanksgiving song instead?
A. Jingle Bells
9. Which Christmas movie features the character John McClane fighting terrorists in a Los Angeles skyscraper on Christmas Eve?
A. Die Hard
10. What is the highest grossing Christmas movie of all time?
A. The Grinch
11. What is the name of the Red Ryder BB Gun Ralphie wants for Christmas in “A Christmas Story”?
A. The Red Ryder Carbine Action 200-shot Range Model Air Rifle
12. What is the name of George Bailey’s guardian angel in “It’s a Wonderful Life”?
A. Clarence
13. What is the name of the main character in “The Nightmare Before Christmas”?
A. Jack Skellington



14. Who wrote the story “A Christmas Carol”?
A. _________________________________________________
15. What is the name of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer’s father?
A. _________________________________________________
16. What does the “X” in the abbreviation “Xmas” stand for?
A. _________________________________________________
17. What traditional Christmas food does the Grinch hate?
A. _________________________________________________
18. In what year was “A Charlie Brown Christmas” first broadcast on TV?
A. _________________________________________________
19. In “A Charlie Brown Christmas” what is the name of the little boy who recites the passage from the bible about the Christmas Story?
A. _________________________________________________
20. In “A Christmas Carol” what is the name of Scrooge’s employee who asks for a day off on Christmas?
A. _________________________________________________
21. In the movie “It’s a Wonderful Life” what happens every time a bell rings?
A. _________________________________________________
22. Which famous political figure and celebrity makes a cameo appearance in “Home alone 2”?
A. _________________________________________________
23. In what classic novel does the protagonist set sail for a voyage on a cold Christmas Day?
A. _________________________________________________
24. In which film did the famous song “White Christmas” first appear?
A. _________________________________________________
25. In “The Grinch” movie, What town does the Grinch try to steal Christmas from?
A. _________________________________________________






14. Who wrote the story “A Christmas Carol”?
A. Charles Dickens
15. What is the name of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer’s father?
A. Donner
16. What does the “X” in the abbreviation “Xmas” stand for?
A. The greek letter “Chi” (X) which represents Christ
17. What traditional Christmas food does the Grinch hate?
A. Roast Beast
18. In what year was “A Charlie Brown Christmas” first broadcast on TV?
A. 1965
19. In “A Charlie Brown Christmas” what is the name of the little boy who recites the passage from the bible about the Christmas Story?
A. Linus
20. In “A Christmas Carol” what is the name of Scrooge’s employee who asks for a day off on Christmas?
A. Bob Cratchit
21. In the movie “It’s a Wonderful Life” what happens every time a bell rings?
A. An angel gets its wings
22. Which famous political figure and celebrity makes a cameo appearance in “Home alone 2”?
A. Donald Trump
23. In what classic novel does the protagonist set sail for a voyage on a cold Christmas Day?
A. Moby Dick
24. In which film did the famous song “White Christmas” first appear?
A. Holiday Inn
25. In “The Grinch” movie, What town does the Grinch try to steal Christmas from?
A. Whoville


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