Best Concealed Carry Handguns For Women (2020)

by | Dec 1, 2021 | Firearms Review | 0 comments

   Thirty-two women rank seven subcompacts for the best choices in concealed carry handguns for women.

   How The Subcompacts Handguns For Women Ranked:
1. Sig P365
2. Smith & Wesson Shield EZ
3. Glock G43x
4. Mossberg MC1-sc
5. Ruger LCP II
6. Smith & Wesson 340 PD
7. Smith & Wesson Shield

   When it comes to selecting a handgun, especially when selecting a concealed-carry handgun, women have needs that are often quite different from those of men. Women—from teenagers to well into their 80s—have taken my classes, and their needs and wants vary drastically in regard to handgun preference.

   One of the fastest-growing segments of the firearms market is women, and the largest segment of women’s firearms purchases is related to personal defense. For individual instruction and teaching toward the Concealed Carry Certification, over half of my clients are women.

   Women also struggle with daily concealed carry in the wide variety of clothing they wear. For men, it’s fairly simple: We wear the same basic configuration of clothing, and it’s fairly easy to conceal a firearm in the type of clothes we wear. Women’s clothing is often much more fitted and varies with the occasion. As a result, most women prefer a smaller gun that works with all their wardrobe choices. For this reason, I’ve restricted this rundown to subcompact guns.

   These factors create three issues that combine to make options in concealable handguns for women more difficult.

1. A small gun is preferred because it’s easier to conceal, but small guns are more difficult to operate than full-sized guns because of the smaller grip and more perceived recoil resulting from lightweight.
2. The recoil is intimidating and creates issues with flinch or recoil anticipation.
3. The short sight radius compounds the problem and makes them harder to shoot well.

   Because many readers are often asked about the right defensive handgun choice for the women in their lives, I wanted to cover the best and most likely choices and let women voice their likes and dislikes. In preparation for this, I assembled these choices based on lightweight, concealability, and ease of operation—and all this information is derived directly from working with the women in my defensive pistol classes.

   The guns in the “test” represent the best of what’s currently offered in a field of truly excellent guns. At no time in history have shooters had as many good guns to choose from? It’s harder today to find a poor choice than a good one, but because of the specific needs and broad range of capabilities of female concealed-carry citizens, preferences will vary.

   For this article, I had 32 female defensive handgun clients rank
seven guns.

   Two guns dominated the results: The Sig P365 was a clear winner for women with good hand strength, and the Smith & Wesson Shield EZ was the clear choice for female shooters who had issues with strength or recoil.

   The ease of operation of the EZ was apparent. When it came time to shoot it, the women were surprised at how easy it was to operate. The 365 was rated below the EZ in operation, but it was also rated high in ease of operation. Its magazine capacity, power, and compact size helped seal the deal for the P365.

   The Glock 43X garnered third place, and Mossberg’s new MC1 came in close behind. Fifth place went to the diminutive Ruger LCP II, mostly based on its size and lightweight.

   The 340 PD came in sixth, based on safety and simplicity.

   The most popular concealed-carry pistol of the last 10 years—the Smith & Wesson Shield—garnered last place. It ranked low in ease of operation and recoil.

   The top four guns were all introduced within the past two years; the two other guns are the oldest designs. I believe this is an indication of just how fast firearms development is moving in our modern world.

1. Most Popular Handgun For Women: Sig P365

Like many other segments of the concealed carry market, women gave the Sig P365 top marks. This compact gem is the overall favorite choice in handguns for women.

   No pistol in recent memory has shaken up the concealed carry world like the Sig P365. It seems Sig Sauer did everything right—and all at one time. The standard magazine was a 10-rounder, and a 12-round magazine was available. Now, there’s a 15-round magazine. It’s a bit heavier than the Glock but considerably more compact. It comes standard with night sights and is available with or without manual safety. With a takedown lever, it’s easier to field-strip than the Glock or S&W. The fire control system is easily removable and therefore easier to maintain. The trigger is good, the reset is short and positive, and the sights are large enough to work well without being intrusive. In profile, it’s only marginally larger than the LCP II, although it’s considerably heavier and blockier. Still, it’s the most compact of the guns in this group (other than the Ruger). Besides the 43x, it looks tiny. I can honestly find nothing bad to say about the P365. Its MSRP
is $599, but it’s available for under $500. (Contact Defiant Arms for Discount Pricing “”)

 2. Lowest Recoil, Ease Of Use: Smith & Wesson Shield EZ

Of all tested handguns for women, the Smith & Wesson Shield EZ was the easiest to shoot and manipulate.

   The first time I put my hands on the Smith & Wesson Shield EZ, I knew it was a winner. Based on the excellent M&P .22 Compact, the EZ is as easy to operate as the .22 version. Like the Ruger LCP II, it’s chambered for the .380 ACP but carries more weight (18.5 ounces), making for remarkably low recoil—a big plus for timid shooters. The trigger is light enough, and the grip safety makes it safer than any other gun in this review except the revolver. Capacity is better than most (8+1), and the magazine is clearly the easiest to load, even employing a button to depress the magazine spring. While its size makes it more difficult to conceal, it makes the EZ extremely easy to shoot well. The three-dot sights, good trigger, and low recoil make it the winner for ease of operation. (Contact Defiant Arms for Discount Pricing “”)

3. Glock G43x

Glock’s ability to put together a light and reliable pistol wasn’t lost on the women who tested it.

   If you ask 10 people which company makes the best semi-auto pistols, at least four will say Glock and no one can question the reliability and service Glock pistols provide. The Glock G43x is recent, and with a magazine capacity of 10+1, it’s a real improvement over the standard G4, which can hold four more rounds than the G43. Sure, it’s not as concealable, but it’s easier to shoot well because of the longer grip (and no one in their right mind will argue that the magazine capacity isn’t a bonus). Its weight comes in at 16.4 ounces—lighter than the S&W Shield and with at least two more available rounds. The slide is easier to operate, the trigger is good, the sights are easy to see and, well … it’s a Glock. The G43x’s MSRP is reasonable ($549), but it’s widely available for under $500. (Contact Defiant Arms for Discount Pricing “”)

4. Mossberg MC1-sc

Re-entering the handgun market recently, Mossberg has produced a more than capable pistol in the MC1.

   When I saw that Mossberg was introducing a concealed-carry pistol, I was skeptical. However, I remembered that Chris Cerino had recently been to the introduction of something new at Mossberg, so I called him. Chris and I are close, both in friendship and in our opinions about personal defense; and, sure enough, it was the Mossberg MC1 he’d been to Gunsite to see. Chris doesn’t sugar-coat his opinions, and I was amazed that he had nothing bad to say about the MC1. I ordered one for a test—and I agree. At 19 ounces, it’s a bit heavier than the Glock G43, but otherwise, it’s about the same size. It has a flat-faced bladed trigger with nice three-dot sights and comfortable, but grippy, grip surfaces. It’s accurate and reliable and uses a simple—but innovative—takedown system. My initial impression of the see-through magazines was negative. Even so, they’ve proven
really tough, and if you don’t like them, this pistol runs just fine with Glock 43 magazines. The slide has front and rear serrations, and it’s reasonably easy to cycle. The MSRP for the base model is $425. However, I found it online for under $350, making it a real value. (Contact Defiant Arms for Discount Pricing “”)

5. Ruger LCP II

Few of the other handguns for women in this test hold a candle to the LCP II light weight.

   Ruger’s LCP II was a big improvement over the original LCP and has proven popular with people who need the smallest and lightest, yet still effective, concealed-carry pistol. While the .380 ACP chambering is considered the minimum as defensive ammunition, recent advances in defensive ammunition have brought the little .380 up to being superior to the standard .38 Special load that law enforcement used for years.

   At fewer than 11 ounces, and with a diminutive size, the LCP II certainly fills the bill for concealability and is the lightest and smallest gun in the group. It still has an internal hammer, but the bladed trigger of the LCP II is light and precise. It feels like a striker-fired trigger and is a big improvement over the original LCP. The magazine capacity is a reasonable 6+1, and the magazine is easy to load. The slide requires only a moderate effort and is smooth in movement. Sights are adequate and unobtrusive. It has an MSRP of $349 but is readily available for under $300 (and under $400 for the laser-equipped version).

   It’s available with or without manual safety; I recommend the version without manual safety. Grip safety is a passive system that doesn’t require training for certain operations under the pressure of a deadly force event. The EZ is also clearly the easiest gun in the group to field-strip and, therefore, maintain. Its MSRP is $399, but it’s easy to find the EZ for under $350. The version with a Crimson Trace laser sells for under $550. (Contact Defiant Arms for Discount Pricing “”)

6. Smith & Wesson 340 PD

Of all the handguns for women, the 340 PD got the highest marks for safety and simplicity.)

   In my youth, the Airweight Model 37 was the undisputed king of lightweight concealed carry revolvers. Today, it’s been superseded by the even lighter 340 and 360 PDs. With a lightweight scandium frame and titanium cylinder, it tips the scales at fewer than 12 ounces—a remarkable feat, considering that it’s chambered for the powerful .357 Magnum. While it’s handicapped by low capacity and molasses-slow reloads, it’s light and powerful and is the safest and most reliable handgun in this review. The 340 PD in the test is safe because the long-stroke, 10-pound-plus trigger pull is almost impossible to accidentally pull. At 8 years old, my athletic grandson couldn’t activate the trigger, even using both index fingers. It’s also the easiest gun in the group to load and unload (and the most expensive). The reliability comes without explanation. There’s no need for training on how to manage malfunctions; simply pull the trigger again in the unlikely event of a dud round. It’s more difficult to shoot well than the semi-autos, but for some people, the extreme level of safety and simplicity are viable tradeoffs. With an MSRP of $1,019, the 340 PD is the most expensive gun in the group by far, but at a weight penalty of fewer than 4 ounces, the 340 comes in at $469 and is easily found for under $400.(Contact Defiant Arms for Discount Pricing “”)

7. Smith & Wesson Shield

Although it’s among the most prolific defensive pistols in recent years, the Shield end up in last place in the testing.

   No discussion of concealed-carry handguns—handguns for women or otherwise—should overlook the Smith & Wesson Shield. The last I heard, the Shield accounted for fully 20 percent of the concealed-carry handgun market. That’s a remarkable record! For this rundown, I chose a Performance Center Ported Shield with Hi-Vis sights. While it’s an improvement over the standard model, the Shield seems a bit dated because of all the recent additions to the market. The trigger is better on the Performance Center version, and I suppose the porting helps. Nevertheless, the Shield was still the snappiest of the seven guns tested—with the possible exception of the J-frame revolver.

   It was also the most difficult to cycle the slide and load the magazine. At 18.2 ounces, it weighs in a bit below the Shield EZ and is slightly more compact—but it’s much more difficult to operate. The standard version has an MSRP of $367. The Performance Center version retails at $623. However, the standard Shield can now be found for under $300, indicating that it’s nearing the end of its run. Introduced in 2005, it was an innovative and impressive pistol, but it seems that time has caught up with the Shield. (Contact Defiant Arms for Discount Pricing “”)


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