by | Sep 19, 2024 | Editor's Letter | 0 comments

Election Day November 5th 2024, Get Out and Vote Early! This Article and All This Important Information is Solely For Democrats, Liberals, and Undecided Independent’s!!

   So Everyone read on, although like I said it is solely for those who are undecided (I Don’t Know Personally How You Can Be) and those that are just uninformed or brain washed by the mainstream FAKE media (The Liars) because they are really not that stupid to believe what they spiel (Except for Three of them but that is another article in itself). They have high paying jobs to just “Hate Trump,” and do thier best to spread it. It’s a virus, “Hate America Virus.” There is No Doubt that 98% of my readers whether in Texas or on our nationwide mailing list, You are a Conservative Patriot, and agree with pretty much everything I and others write in this publication. BUT, there is a very small audience that this information is being disseminated to. I also want to reiterate that you always hear, “This Is The Most Important Election,” or “The Last Election,” or however you word it. We have all heard this in the past, BUT this time it is really true. Sure there will be elections, but they won’t be Fair or they won’t ever go in your direction according to your thoughts and feeling. HECK, They have elections in Russia, China, Ukraine, and Yes ours will be just like those if America allows this fraud of an administration to continue on for 4 More Years, Because it won’t be 4, it will be 44. Another Conservative administration will NEVER Be Seen Again.

   First of all, “Who Is THe President Now? It is surely not Joe Biden and not even Kamala Harris, Do you think those two brains can run this country, just look at them. This country has been run since January 2021 by Barrack Obama, (his 3rd term and looking for a 4th) Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer. This will continue if Harris is elected. Do you like the result? Do you really think you are Better now than just 4 years ago? I don’t think so. But if you do vote for her. But vote for her because you really like what your getting now, because it will get worse. Not because you hate Donald Trump.

   Let’s look at Who Kamala Harris Is!

   Kamala Harris is the most far-left, radical Democratic candidate for president in the history of the United States. Once ranked the most liberal Senator in the U.S. Senate, Harris has staked out extremely progressive positions on border security (or lack thereof), immigration, healthcare, fracking, education, energy, and more. And, because she’s an opportunist, she’s flip-flopped on nearly every issue in just the past month, just to win.

   Kamala Quotes…..

   “I support a Green New Deal and I will tell you why: climate change is an existential threat to us and we’ve got to deal with the reality of it.”

– Kamala supports a Green New Deal

   “I know what a crime looks like and I will tell you that an undocumented immigrant is not a criminal.”

– Kamala supports open borders

   “I believe we need to look locally and elect progressive prosecutors. Because the vast majority of prosecutions occur at the state and local level.”

– Kamala supports soft-on-crime policies

   “We have confused the idea that to achieve safety we need to put more cops on the street, we really do need to understand and reimagine how we can make and help make communities safe.”

– Kamala supports Defund the Police

   “I’m absolutely open to it.”

– Kamala supports expanding the SCOTUS

   “Let me just be really clear about this. I’m opposed to any policy that would deny in our country any human being from access to public safety, public education, or public health-period.”

– Kamala supports universal healthcare and public education for illegal aliens

   “We do have to get to a place where it’s not so easy to block progress.”

– Kamala supports eliminating the filibuster

   “All these detention facilities; the private prisons; the private detention facilities — they all need to be shut down…This is the United States government doing this. And immediately, on Day One, I will end it.”

– Kamala supports closing detention centers for illegal alien immigrants

   “I would not make it a crime punishable by jail. It should
be a civil enforcement issue but not a criminal enforcement

– Kamala supports more illegal immigration

   “For the workers in [fossil fuels] we have to encourage that those industries do better in terms of giving workers the ability to transition into the jobs of the future such as renewable energy.”

– Kamala supports an end to fossil fuels, (By the way you
can’t have E-vehicles without them.)

   “We must have the courage to object when they use that term ‘radical Islamic terrorism.’ … We also have to have the courage to reject that term ‘illegal alien.’ I have seen some of the worst of criminal behavior, I have seen the worst of crime. An undocumented immigrant is not a criminal.”

– Kamala doesn’t want you to say ‘radical Islamic terrorism’ or ‘illegal alien’ (and by the way “illegal Alien” is written in the law.)

   “We must have the courage to stand up for our immigrants, including ten million people living and working in the shadows, with a genuine pathway to citizenship.”

– Kamala supports mass amnesty

   “My plan will separate your healthcare from your employer, meaning your employer will no longer dictate the kind of healthcare you receive. Under my plan of Medicare for All, private insurance companies will be able
to provide coverage if they play by our rules.”

– Kamala supports Medicare for All and the end of employer-based health insurance

   “Let’s eliminate all that; let’s move on.”

– Kamala supports eliminating private insurance

   “They’re not gonna stop before Election Day in November and they’re not gonna stop after Election Day. Everyone should take note of that on both levels — they’re not gonna let up. And they should not. And we should not.”

– Kamala supported riots in the wake of George Floyd’s death and BLM and ANTIFA.

   “I think that [AOC] is challenging the status quo — I think that’s fantastic. I think that she’s introducing bold ideas that should be discussed. I think that’s good for the Party and good for the country.”

– Kamala thinks AOC is fantastic

   “We have a problem in America. We can talk about the amount of sugar in everything. We can talk about soda — we can go on and on.”

– Kamala supports controlling your diet

   “I’m prepared to take executive action and put in place a ban on the importation of assault weapons…But we still have to deal with over two million assault weapons that are currently on the streets of America. So, a buyback program is a good idea.”

– Kamala supports a weapons ban and buyback (They want to call it a “buyback” but it isn’t because we didn’t buy our guns from the government, It’ a “Confiscation.)

   “It’s a term we’re very proud of, I must tell you because Bidenomics is working — it’s working!”

– Kamala supports failed Bidenomics policies

   “There’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking.”

– Kamala supports a fracking ban

   “I think we should have that conversation.”

– Kamala, when asked if prisoners like the Boston Marathon bomber and sex offenders should be able to vote.


   “He is going to be fine. Let me say this: he is fine. He is one of the most energetic and bold leaders that you could meet. I work with the president every day. I’ve been in the Oval Office when he gets calls from world leaders who call him for advice…We have in Joe Biden a president that has performed work that is transformative for our nation.” “He is extraordinarily smart, he can see around every corner.”

   Now Don’t just take my word or opinion on the Facts, Let’s hear the facts from a retired Major General of the United States Marines. This is All in his words, unedited and the article in it’s entirety.

   The History of Kamala Harris

by Geoffrey B. Higginbotham
Major General, USMC (Ret.)

   For your knowledge and interest about the Biden Vice President, Kamala Harris. Here is a timely editorial that exposes the hidden background of Kamala Harris from the Combat Veterans for Congress Political Action Committee that is posted here with permission of the author. CVFC PAC supports the election of US military combat veterans to the US Senate and House of Representatives. The editorial begins:

   Kamala Harris’ father was an avowed Marxist professor in the Economics Department at Stanford University in Palo Alto, CA. Both of Harris’ parents were active in the Berkeley based African-American Association; Fidel Castro and Che Guevara were the heroes of the African-American Association.

   The group’s leader, Donald Warden (aka Khalid alMansour), mentored two young American Association members, Huey Newton and Bobby Seale; they created the Maoist inspired Black Panther Party which gained strong support from Communist China; the Black Panther Party served as the model for creation of the Black Lives Matter Marxist organization Khalid al-Mansour subsequently went on to arrange financing and facilitated for Barack Hussein Obama to be accepted as a student to matriculate at Harvard Law School.

   Following her graduation from college, Harris returned to California and subsequently became the mistress of the 60-year-old married Speaker of the California Assembly, Willie Brown, Jr. Brown’s political campaigns were supported and funded by Dr. Carlton Goodlett, the owner of The Sun Reporter and several other pro-Communist newspapers.

   Brown was elected as Mayor of San Francisco, and strongly endorsed Harris’ Marxist political philosophy; he guided Harris’ political rise in California politics, leading to her election as California’s Attorney General. Willie Brown, Jr. was a well-known long-time Communist sympathizer. Willie Brown, Jr. was initially elected to public office with the substantial help of the Communist Party USA.

   Today, Willie Brown is widely regarded as one of the Chinese Communist Party’s best friendsin the San Francisco Bay Area. While serving as San Francisco District Attorney, Kamala Harris mentored a young San Francisco Radical Maoist activist, Lateefah Simon, who was a member of the STORM Revolutionary Movement; Simon currently chairs the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) Board. Simon has always been close friends with the founder of Black Lives Matter Marxist Domestic Terrorists, Alicia Garza, as well as STORM member and avowed Communist, Van Jones. Harris has been openly and aggressively supporting Black Lives Matter Marxists; Kamala Harris is still closely associated with Maoist Lateefah Simon and Marxist Alicia Garza. Kamala Harris’s sister Maya Harris was a student activist at Stanford University. She was a closely associated with Steve Phillips, one of the leading Marxist-Leninists on campus and a long-time affiliate with the League of Revolutionary Struggle, a pro-Chinese Communist group.

   Phillips came out of the Left, and in college he studied Marx, Mao, and Lenin, and maintained close associations with fellow Communists. Phillips married into the multibillion-dollar Sandler family of the Golden West Savings and Loan fortune. He funded many leftist political campaigns, and voter registration drives in the Southern and South Western states in order to help his friend, Barack Hussein Obama, defeat Hillary Clinton. Phillips has been a major financial sponsor for Kamala Harris’s political campaigns for various California elective offices plus Cory Booker, Andrew Gillum, and Stacey Abrams to name a few.

   Harris’ husband, Doug Emhoff works for the law firm DLA Piper, which “boasts nearly 30 years of experience in Communist China with over 140 lawyers dedicated to its ‘Communist China investment Services’ branch. He was just appointed Professor at Yale to school future lawyers in the fine points of Communism. When she was elected to the US Senate, Kamala Harris appointed a Pro-Communist Senate Chief of Staff, Karine Jean-Pierre. Jean-Pierre was active with the New Yorkbased Haiti Support Network. The organization worked closely with the pro-Communist China/Communist North Korea Workers World Party and supported Jean-Bertrand Aristide, the far-left Communist former president of Haiti and the radical Lavalas movement.

   Fortunately for Harris, but potentially disastrous for the Republic, elected office holders are not subject to the security clearance process. If the FBI did a Background Investigation on Kamala Harris, she never would have passed, because of her 40-year close ties with Marxists, Communists, Maoists, and Communist China. Harris would never have been approved for acceptance to any of the 5 Military Service Academies, been appointed to a US Government Sub-Cabinet position, or would have been approved to fill a sensitive position for a high security defense contractor. Yet, since Joe Biden was elected, Harris could be a heartbeat away from being President.

   The US constitutional Republic is being threatened by the People’s Republic of Communist China (PPC) externally, and by their very active espionage operations within the United States. The People’s Republic of Communist China (PPC), with 1.4 billion people, is governed by the 90 million member Chinese Communist Party (CCP), that has been working with Russia to destroy the US Constitutional Republic for over 70 years. If the American voters read the background information (in Trevor Loudon’s article) on Kamala Harris, they would never support her election as Vice President of the United States.

   Joe Biden is suffering from the early onset of dementia and will continue to decline in cerebral awareness; he will never be able to fill out a four-year term of office.

   Since Biden was elected, the Socialists, Marxists, and Communist who control Kamala Harris, are planning to enact provisions of the 25th Amendment, in order to remove Joe Biden from office, so Harris can become the first Communist President of the United States.

   Since Biden was elected, because Biden would not be up to it, Kamala Harris would lead the effort to appoint very dangerous anti-American Leftist, Communist, Socialists, and Marxists to fill highly sensitive positions in the Washington Deep State Bureaucracy. She would fill all appointive positions in the US Intelligence Agencies, in the Department of Homeland Security, in the Department of Defense, in The Justice Department, the Department of State, the FBI, the CIA, most cabinet positions, the National Security Council, and in the White House Staff.

   American voters must alert their fellow Americans that Kamala Harris is a very serious National Security threat to the very survival of the US Constitutional Republic; she has been a fellow traveler of Marxists, Communists, Maoists, Socialists, Progressives, and Chinese Communists for over 35 years.

   President Trump had much more background information on Kamala Harris than we presented here, and he was correct, when he accused Kamala Harris of being a Communist subverter.

Geoffrey B. Higginbotham
Major General, USMC (Ret.)

   If that is not enough, I can go on but it would take all 24 pages in the magazine. Remember, Kamala Harris was the deciding vote in the Senate for the Inflation Expansion Act. She was proudly the “last person in the room” for the plans of the Afghanistan Pullout. She was the “Border Czar,” How did that turn out, THe true number of illegal aliens in this country as of this writing is approaching 30 million.

   Then there is Tim Walz, He has visited China over 30 times, He spent his anniversary visiting Tiananmen Square. He has mandated tampons in Boys rooms in all his schools. He is truely a Manchurian Candidate.

   This November 5th, Vote for what is Best For America, or you won’t have one.

More to Come, Until Next Time,

Rick Rose


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