Ride Free and Ride Often

Ride Free and Ride Often

   The weather was beautiful, I pull out around 2 pm and Go north up hwy 783, through Doss. Continue on hwy 783 to the intersection of hwy 87, and make right south to 152. Turn on 152 to Castell. Make a quick stop for a refreshment, Continue 152 to Llano. Stop at...
Ride Free and Ride Often

Best Concealed Carry Handguns For Women (2020)

   Thirty-two women rank seven subcompacts for the best choices in concealed carry handguns for women.    How The Subcompacts Handguns For Women Ranked:1. Sig P3652. Smith & Wesson Shield EZ3. Glock G43x4. Mossberg MC1-sc5. Ruger LCP II6. Smith & Wesson 340...
Ride Free and Ride Often

Let’s Go Brandon

   Well at the time of this writing, this dumbshit administration has been in office for 10 months.10 months, 10 Freakin months. How can you intentionally screw up a Great Country in just 10 months? Look……I don’t care what side of the aisle you are on, You...
Ride Free and Ride Often

A Tribute To A Great Man

IN THE SPIRIT OF THE CHRISTMAS SEASON AND FAMILY I grew up with the Allegheny National Forest as my backyard and when I say backyard, I mean that our farm’s property literally bordered the Allegheny National Forest. I loved walking or riding my horse through the woods...
Ride Free and Ride Often

Taurus 1911 Commander: Steel At A Steal

   The all-steel Taurus 1911 Commander pulls off the compact iteration of the icon flawlessly at a price that can’t be beaten. The government model in .45 ACP isn’t for everyone. In fact, it’s not the best choice for a lot of people. Taurus makes 1911s, and they knew...